IT will be still in the recollection of your readers that Mr. R. S. Lord, on behalf of a Gympie company, agreed to place the wellknown Central crushing machinery on this ...
Article : 1,598 wordsTHE preceding sketch of this series left the writer located at the home of a friend in the— district, Wellington province, far away from the basy haunts of the white men, and were one saw ...
Article : 2,055 wordsA Government Gazette was issued on Monday, rescinding all previous proclamations in connection with the unalienated surveyed lands in and around the township reserves of ...
Article : 1,021 wordsTHE Canterbury Press of August 27, says,— There has been no native news for some weeks past, at any rate nothing that is worth making a special note of. An occasional paragraph in a ...
Article : 2,750 wordsIT has fallen to the lot of twe Castlemaine miners, John Cawson and William Hannon, to make a most important discovery and to open up a new reef which ia likely to exercise a most ...
Article : 1,262 wordsWE gather the following peculiar details from the Samoan Reporter, a missionary journal, published at Samoa, South Pacific:- The Schooner Atlantic (owned, we believe, ...
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Sat 24 Sep 1870, Page 6
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