For the third year in succession Harold F. Wright today won the Glenelg Golf Club championship. He defeated R. D. Crook four up and three to play. Wright was steadier throughout, particularly around ...
Article : 2,870 wordsWinner of the State professional golf title four times, Fergus McMahon, the Myer Emporium professional, hopes to visit Sydney for the Australian open ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 200 wordsClose contests marked most of the challenge, final, and semi-final games in the junior football association today. With their metropolitan series completed, two association teams visited country centres and played combined ...
Article : 213 wordsLACK of rain this season has made football faster and more open than in previous years, but when the game has to be played in rain and ...
Article : 279 wordsMembers of the Adelaide Horse Riding Club followed a track chosen by Miss Hope Crampton, who took the lead with the master (Mr. A. C. ...
Article : 138 words{No abstract available}
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The Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), Sat 15 Sep 1934, Page 5
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