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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 67 words
  3. The N. S. Wales Turf.

    [?] quatation is truly to the point of my sub[?]in the present lu[?]ubration. " From little [?] great events arise," is an axiom implanted is our memories from the days of copy-books and ...

    Article : 929 words
  4. Newmarket First Spring.

    Although a deficiency of sport was displayed, [?] the FIRST SPRING possessed powerful and [?]ssing attractions. To its principal events [?] Two Thousand and One Thousand—much ...

    Article : 651 words
  5. Exciting Fight between Joe Hoiles (the spider) and Bill Bowers of Biilinsgate, for one Hundred Pounds.

    This, the second affair of the g[?] week, and which, like that of Monday, also involved a question of Championship, viz, that of the feather weights, took place on Tuesday last. ...

    Article : 2,720 words

    HARRY BROOME AND HARRY ORMR.—THE STAKES GIV[?]N UP.—On Thursday evening a large and respectable muster of the [?]y was congregated at Mr Ledger's, Star Tavern, ...

    Article : 1,166 words

    A young fellow of high connexions, educated at Sandhurst, and having subsequently got his commission in one of the " crack" cavalry regimeats (Lancers or Hussars, we decline to say ...

    Article : 2,473 words
  8. English Extracts.

    EXECUTION OF A FAMILY OF MURDERER[?].— Ennis, May 6.—This being the day appointed for the execution of the persons convicted of the barbarous murder of their relative, at Milltown ...

    Article : 1,322 words

    ALONE IN HIS GLORY.—The Carp[?] [?] (American) tells a story of a preacher who dolighted in long sermons, and who once exchanged with a brother preacher who always delived short ...

    Article : 517 words