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  1. Death of the Emperor of Russia.

    Another mighty example has been afforded of the instability of human power, the vanity of human aspirations. The Autocrat is no more. The man who, in the plenitude of power, aspired ...

    Article : 1,166 words
  2. The Emperor Alexander of Russia.

    The Czezarewitch Alexander assumed the Government at St Petersburgh yesterday afternoon, and received homage as Emperor. Prince Charles of Prussia leaves Berlin ...

    Article : 47 words
  3. Siege of Sebastopol.

    The latest despatches convey the intelligence that the Allied Generals had decided upon INVESTING Sebast pol, instead of ASSAULTING it. ...

    Article : 26 words
  4. The Russian "Reconnaissance" at Eupatoria.

    Baron von Manteuffel had, it is understood, on 29th February, received a telegraphic despatch at Berlin, from the Prussian Consul General at Bucharest, which fully confirms previous statements, ...

    Article : 1,280 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 229 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 94 words

    Several communications have been addressed to us on the subject of the second postponement of the Liverpool Spring Meeting, more particularly with referenco to the "Grand National ...

    Article : 685 words

    The extraordinary circumstances which led to the failure of this eagerly looked for tourney will be best gathered from the following extracts from the columns of our London namesake, ...

    Article : 2,486 words
  9. IPSWICH RACES, 1855.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 884 words
  10. Miscellaneous Extracts.

    PANIC CAUSED BY THE APPEARANCE OF THE DEVIL IN DEVONSHIRE.—Considerable sensation has been caused in the towns of Topsham, Lympstone, Exmouth, Teignmouth and Dawlish, ...

    Article : 2,253 words