ADVANCE AUSTRALIA! Thou into whose lap, Unconscious of its wealth, kind Nature shower'd Treasure untold, and on the world's wide map No other country half so richly dower'd ...
Article : 394 wordsTHERE is not so much difference between painting and literature as some would imagine. A picture is a book for the entertainment or instruction of those who may peruse it, and the artist is an author seeking to propound a theory, to narrate a story, or to indite ...
Article : 1,025 wordsTHE above illustration is a correct representation of the Trowel and Mallet presented to his Excellency, on the occasion of laying the Foundation Stone of the New Exchange, from a sketch taken at Government House, with the kind permission of George Fitz ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 749 wordsTHE AMERICAN EXHIBITION OF THE INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS.—New York, June 9th, 1853. It is the boast of progress that from a small beginning, it advances with every hour to a more perfect development. But in the enterprise of a worlds fair, and ...
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Illustrated Sydney News (NSW : 1853 - 1872), Sat 8 Oct 1853, Page 8
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