FACTORY.—On Monday Mr. C. Dunlop, the newly appointed engineer to the Factory, arrived and took up his duties; also Mr. P. Bradney, who is to do the testing of milk, of which he has ...
Article : 1,514 wordsOn Wednesday the regular monthly meeting was held, Ald. Cameron and Brennan absent. The Member wrote that the matter of a substantial grant for the roads and the establishment ...
Article : 546 wordsOn Friday of last week a farewell social was tendered to Rev. and Mrs. Cameron. The church, which was well filled, was prettily decorated with lerns and evergreens. ...
Article : 1,061 wordsMELBOURNE, Monday.—Mr. J. F. Thomas, who acted as counsel on behalf of Lieuts. Morant, Handcock, and Witton at the court-martial held at Pretoria, when they were charged with killing ...
Article : 887 wordsIn an interview with Mr. P. Quirk, manager of the Government stud farm at Far Meadow, South Coast, that gentleman made the following remarks on the subject of the preserving of feed for ...
Article : 755 wordsThe Premier (the Hon. John See), at the invitation of the committee of the Wallsend and Plattsburg Musical and Literary Society, paid a visit to Wallsend for the purpose of presiding over one of ...
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Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), Sat 5 Apr 1902, Page 8
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