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  1. Kitty Cucumber's Tour through the Colonies.

    MY DEAR SISTER,— Yes—my dear I shall finish my Letter No. 2[?] in this No. 3.—I hope I do not take up too much of your time—(here we have none not even a ...

    Article : 2,212 words
  2. The Hour that we Met:

    I have not forgotten The hour that we met: Tis in vain to endeavour That hour to forget: ...

    Article : 206 words
  3. Systematic Colonisation.

    We hail with pleasure the formation of the Colonisation Society, a Deputation from which visited our town on Thursday last. And we trust the visit will be followed by beneficial ...

    Article : 836 words
  4. Model Clerks.

    The Lawyer's Clerk enters the office at nine, and leaves at eight, His only holiday is when he is sent into the couutry to serve a writ. He writes a "fine hold hand," and can "fair copy" ...

    Article : 1,149 words
  5. Valentine's Day.

    Who was St. Valentine? and what busines had he, a Christian martyr too, to teach young ladies and gentlemen to choose one another on the 14th of February. ...

    Article : 1,364 words
  6. Gems from the Irish "Hue and Cry"

    From the above publication of Thursday last we take the following, under the head of Cork county:— Description of two cows, the properly of Michael ...

    Article : 570 words
  7. Cricket Extraordinary.

    Seven years have elapsed since these veterans met for a similar encounter at Hall's Ground, Camberwell, and during this long recess the great leveller has bowled a large proportion of ...

    Article : 649 words
  8. Pickings and Choosings.

    A Curious Wager.—A French paper states that at Brusels, on the 7th of June, the idlers on the French boulevard were gazing on a novel equipage, consisting of a charming little gig, ...

    Article : 659 words
  9. Tit-bits of Humour.

    DUELLING.—An Irishman was lately heard to declare that he slept on a mattrass stuffed with the whiskers of the persons he had killed either with pistol or cutlass. We imagine that ...

    Article : 191 words