Oct. 14.—Waratah, steamer, Capt. Knight, from Sydney the 10th. Passengers—Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Roberts, two children, and servant, Mr. and Mrs. Bathurst, Miss Bathurst, two ...
Article : 893 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 88 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 53 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 78 wordsFROM an authentic source in Sydney we have been favored with the following Separation news:—"The Governor-General has received a despatch respecting ...
Article : 744 wordsA LARGE NUGGET.—There are reports that a nugget weighing 8 lbs. has been found at Queensland diggings. We were visited yesterday by a person who had seen the receipt ...
Article : 363 wordsAT noon, on Thursday, according to announcement, a large number assembled at the Police Office to hear the declaration of the poll. ...
Article : 1,157 wordsAT three o'clock the Aldermen met for the election of Mayor; the private room of the Police Magistrate's having been placed at their disposal for the occasion. ...
Article : 316 wordsON Thursday evening last, in Foresters' Hall, Fortitude Valley, the President of the Association opened the proceedings of the evening by an address on politics, which he ...
Article : 925 wordsSIR,—In the month of February last, you did me the honour of directing public attention to my discovery of the curative properties of the Dugong oil. I have now much ...
Article : 705 wordsTHE Estimates of probable expenditure for the year 1860 were laid on the table of the Assembly on Wednesday night. The arrangements of the Departments, and the ...
Article : 460 wordsTHE ancient grudge of Dr. Lang against Great Britain would appeal to be still unsated. It is a wrath of almost epical pitilessness—a deep, unrelenting hate, which ...
Article : 1,374 wordsGARLAND & BINGHAM'S.—The market for Store Stock continues dull, and breeders being somewhat bare of stock and anticipating higher prices in a short time, are by no means ...
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The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Sat 15 Oct 1859, Page 2
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