CAPTAIN O'CONNELL, on rising to move the second reading of this bill, spoke as follows:—I have new to bring in a measure which is one of great general interest, and one which, I am sure, hon. ...
Article : 5,552 wordsONE of the last resources to which the friends of a languishing cause turn with hope, is the emulation or jealousy that may be awakened in the fainthearted or slothful ...
Article : 1,301 wordsWE (Empire) have been favoured by M. S. De Runzy, Esq., with the following further accouut of his journey into the north-western interior:— ...
Article : 2,911 wordsKIANDRA.—Remarkable Gold specimen[?] —Mr. T. Porton, a resident of Burrowa, who has been recently engaged in mining operations at Kiandra, arrived in town on ...
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The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Sat 14 Jul 1860, Page 5
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