ORANGE MABMALADE. Wash 21b, of bitter oranges, cut each into four pieces, and slice as thinly as possible. Remove all pips ...
Article : 732 wordsIt may still be that, as in feudal days or old, the Englishman's home as his jealously guarded castle. But this does not prevent his wife from ...
Article : 1,287 wordsMaterials: 6 ounces of Patons and Baldwins "Softa" wool, one pair of No. 8 knitting needles, and one No. 1 wooden knitting needle. One and a ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 461 wordsIt is a bride's prerogative to choose whom she would like to be her bridesmaids, and to decide what they shall wear ; but it is an accepted custom ...
Article : 190 wordsIn a recent lesson four of the simplest chain stitches were explained and now we proceed with two stitches which belong to the large family of ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 341 wordsIt is hopeless to expect to hare a soft, satiny skin and a complexion of lilies and roses if one is careless about diet, and jeats what pleases ...
Article : 596 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 500 wordsRub sewing-machine oil stains with Card, allow to stand for at least three hours, and wash with cold water and soap. ...
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Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), Sat 17 Mar 1934, Page 9
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