Judge Williams expresses the opinion [?] since motorists have come into Court [?] [?]r standards of fiction must be re[?]. He regards the motorist as the ...
Article : 1,147 wordsIt had to be on midsummer morning, and you had to meet Puck, and go barefoot in the dew, and there were other conditions; then, if you were the right sort ...
Article : 1,400 wordsDemetrius, a wealthy silversmith of the city of Ephesus, was perturbed. A substantial capital sunk into the business of making replicas of the patron goddess of ...
Article : 1,401 wordsAs well as the two water-colour sketches dated "1843 or 1844" of Lieutenant-Governor La Trobe's cottage at Jolimont presented to the Government of Victoria by ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Sat 19 May 1934, Page 9
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