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  1. Please wait. Loading browse data... loading

    One of the functionaries at the Norfolk Island settlement was a subordinate official described as "the boatman." In fact there were several employees in the prisons whose ...

    Article : 2,954 words
  3. Farmer.

    A writer says: One of the most important [?]tems with poultry management is a close attention to details. In a majority of cases it is the looking a[?]ter email things that largely ...

    Article : 740 words
  4. HEALTH.

    Opinions differ as to the effect of the free ingestion of water at meal times, but the view most generally received is probably that it dilutes the gastric juice and so retards ...

    Article : 668 words
  5. The [?]

    Dr. Dastre, a French physiologist, who has been experimenting with animals to determine the nature of seasickness, reports that after they had been subjected to ...

    Article : 98 words
  6. Salicylic Acid for Rheumatism.

    Dr. Donald C. Hood has collected many facts relating to the use of salicylic acid for rheumatism. Of 728 patients treated with salicylates, 523 were relieved of their pains ...

    Article : 53 words
  7. How Mille should be taken.

    Milk is a food that should not be taken in copious draughts like beer, or other fluids, which differ from it chemically. If we consider the use of milk in infancy—the ...

    Article : 308 words
  8. Misplaced Confidence.

    " John, dearl" " Well, Mag—what is it!" " I don't believe you love me as you used to do." ...

    Article : 690 words
  9. [?] [?]

    The word "round-up," ia known by most people to be a Western term, bnt its real significance is not generally known. On the northern rangee in Dakota, ...

    Article : 1,060 words
  10. A Park Meeting.

    Tootsey: Hullo Tot Tot: Hullo, Tootsey Tootsey: Dot any ligarettes 'bout 'oo? Left mine home— goo, goo ...

    Article : 27 words
  11. Going to be Still Rarer.

    "This is a beautiful etching," said the dealer, as he held it up and eyed it sideways. " What is it?" asked the stranger. ...

    Article : 148 words
  12. Paid His Bets.

    Mr Jones b[?]t so many cases of beer on[?] elcution, and lost, that it took a dray to [?] liver them all. He says now that he i[?] sadder B[?]iser man. ...

    Article : 112 words
  13. [?]

    Seal rings are worn by both sexes, but the seal should be small. Rings set with diamonds in combination with other stones are very popular, the ...

    Article : 478 words
  14. Recipies.

    Soak one quart of beans over night, then change the water in the morning, and put in a stone crock without boiling; add one pound pork, two teaspoonsful sugar, two ...

    Article : 881 words
  15. [?]

    Ri[?]ging Words—"Will you marry me?" Brown "Good-bye; be good to yourself." Blossom (heartily)—" I will; I'm a kind ...

    Article : 1,297 words