THE eagerly anticipated and much talked of contest between Michael Bush and William Hickey, for the championship of the colony and stakes of L10O each, took place on Saturday afternoon, on the usual course ...
Article : 1,914 wordsMOST of the citizens of Sydney are aware that a beautiful English craft, the Linda, belonging to the Royal Yacht Squadron, has been for the last two or three weeks lying in Farm Cove, rind many are aware that ...
Article : 1,684 wordsHis Honor Mr, Justice Hargrave, on taking his seat in this court, intimated that he deoply regretted the painful necessity of having to announce the indisposition of Mr. Justice Cheeke. His learned colleague was ...
Article : 722 wordsSir W. M. Manning, Q.C., Mr. M. H. Stephen, and Mr. Davis, instructed by Messrs. Allen. Bowden, and Allen, appeared for the plaintiffs; Mr, Darley and Mr. Salomons, instructed by, Mr. W. Hellyer, appeared for ...
Article : 2,072 wordsJames Henry, alias Farrelly, alias Crotty, alias Blood, was brought up charged with uttering forged cheques. He was remanded to scone. Patrick Lee and Peter Cunningham, were fined 20s, ...
Article : 149 wordsWilliam Sutton was fined 10s, or in default, four days' imprisonment, for indecent behaviour in Robin Hood-lane, George Marshall was charged by John Farrell, ...
Article : 153 wordsON Saturday the City Coroner held an inquiry at his office, Hyde Park, on the body of Alfred Henry Robinson, aged fire years, who had come to his death throng burns accidentally received. The fellowing evidence ...
Article : 669 wordsMINING.—A new rush is always interesting to persons in a gold-bearing country, whether eagaged in mining for the gold, or of deriving a profit from them who [?]lly dig for it. During the past few days there have been acveral rushes in the ...
Article : 1,719 wordsThis week, in mining, has been somewhat similar to the last, as no new discoveries have taken place, although rushes are occurring in every part of the district, but attended with unsatisfactory results: a few days ago a rush took place to ...
Article : 1,081 wordsThe weather during the past week has been exceedingly sultry, the temperature of the atmosphere has averaged 73to 84 degrees in the shade. A storm burst over the town at about 10 p.m. on Sunday night, and continued to rago with ...
Article : 327 wordsThe weather during the past week was a succession of rain, wind, and thunderstorms, but since the last twenty-four hours the atmosphere is cleared, and the weather is delightful. ...
Article : 456 wordsTHE RIVER CROSSING.—Crossing accommodation on the Big River is at present of a very bad nature, there being nothing but a boat for so doing. The mail contractor (Chaffey) is charged every time he conveys the mails across ...
Article : 890 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Mon 17 Feb 1873, Page 4
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