Care should be had that they are quire fre[?]h; the larger ones may be skinned, by making one long opening on the breast, and drawing out the body, as in[?]leaing a rabbi[?]; ...
Article : 236 wordsAUGUST l8, 1802--- The Legislative Body have terminated their extraordinary fittings, and will not meet again before the 15th of October.--- The proposal of ...
Article : 228 wordsJULY 30.---A festival, called the Festival of Cherries, to which the people are much attached, is now celebrating here. In the[?] year 1432, when the Hu[?]es threatened this ...
Article : 183 wordsIn the month of August last, one Thomas Proctor, who is upwards of 83 years of age went to a carpenter in Lanca[?]ter and coo[?]ly be[?]poke his coffin, for which, however, he ...
Article : 449 wordsOn Saturday last, at an Examination before the Magistrates, four men who had been mi[?]ted for an assault [?]on[?]. Limeburner, were again brought up: one was discharged, ...
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 26 Mar 1803, Page 2
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