The razzle-dazzle is the only thing moving in Grafton, and the absence of local newspaper pabulum gives the opportunity for brief reference to a new book, "Bush Studies," an ...
Article : 929 wordsA correspondent writes: — " Travelling down the river the morning after the great battle in the Oddfellows' circle in Grafton, with Brother Harry Cox, in course ...
Article : 179 wordsIt is sedately reported in print that "a good deal of feeling" was manifested in Grafton at the appparance of a par. in the Examiner. Said par. bad reference to the reported visit ...
Article : 335 wordsAs this seems to he washing day, there is another garment that might as. well go through the cleansing process. Why should the voice of a majority opposition be ...
Article : 155 wordsThe supply of milk to the Ulmarra factory for the last month was 120,005 gallons, and it was decided to pay 4[?]d on the average test 3.5, and also to provide an amount to pay ...
Article : 1,288 wordsA special Council meeting was held on Thursday, all of the Aldermen being present. The Mayor reported that when in Sydney, he had interviewed the Member, re grant for main rood, and ...
Article : 1,004 wordsThr Mayor presided at the meeting on Tuesday. A. H. Pearce's complaint of water having been diverted onto his property was referred to the Works Committee. A complaint by a number of people ...
Article : 385 wordsMr. Editor,—The "Daily Telegraph," March 4, page 11, gives a detailed account of a most barbarous and shameful exhibition of brate force, and flendish spirit, in the form of, and under the cloak of, a "Boxing ...
Article : 655 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 2,231 wordsRev. W. Wools Routledge moved,—That this, conference, believing that State aid to religious charities is objectionable, relinquishes any claim to the Grovernment ...
Article : 333 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 374 wordsThe Sydney correspondent of the Daily Mail reports, in a message to that Journnl, the discovery of "abundant, gold." "One account." continuos the correspondent. "refers to hills of gold which only need quarrying. ...
Article : 633 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), Sat 14 Mar 1903, Page 8
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