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  1. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,216 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 550 words
  3. The Lambeth Conference.

    The Archbishop of Canterbury, in a letter to the Bishops of the Anglican Communion who are entitled to attend the Lambeth Conference of 1908, says that the following subjects have ...

    Article : 306 words
  4. Rhodes Grass.

    Mr. J. H. Maiden writes:—Mr. Syivester Browne, of "Minembah," Whittingham, near Singleton, the introducer of Rhodes grass into this country, has brought me two plants grown ...

    Article : 272 words
  5. Plucky Rescue at Bondi.

    Miss M. Wheatley, a young lady residing at Bondi, was washed out by the current, while bathing in the surf at Bondi on Sunday. Though her fellow bathers were unaware of her position, ...

    Article : 421 words
  6. Tram Conductor Killed.

    Charies Harrex, 37, a tram conductor, had charge of an all-night Waverley tram about 4 on Tuesday morning. When the tram reached Darlinghurst the driver missed Harrox, and ...

    Article : 82 words
  7. Broughton Island Test.

    Dr. Tidswell's report concerning his investigation at Broughton Island with the Danys virus for the destruction of rabbits will, it is expected, be ready in about a month from date. Two ...

    Article : 97 words

    Mr. Editor.—You sub-leader "Encouraging Art." in issue of "Examiner," Sept. 3rd, is timely, and ought to be followed up. For some years it has struck me as peculiar that, ...

    Article : 682 words
  9. Forest Preservation & Closer Settlement

    Mr. Editor.—Permit me to again seek space to vindicte my assertions respecting forest preservation and closer settlement. In the first place. I wrote on the merits of Mr. Waugh's ...

    Article : 1,528 words
  10. Church of England on tho Dorrigo.

    Mr. Editor.—I was much interested in the brief but picturesque account of the visit of the Rev. H. J. Velvin to the Eastern Dorringo, and in the description of the first service which he ...

    Article : 440 words
  11. The Abortive Mail Contract.

    An interesting situation has arisen in connection with the action that has been taken with a view to the recovery of the bond of £25,000 given by Messrs. Barclay and Co., Ltd., ...

    Article : 328 words
  12. Mr. Campbell's Lecture.

    On this North Coast tour Mr. Campbell lectured at Maclean and Grafton. At both centres the farmers attended in force, and sat the lectures out attentively, and with apparent ...

    Article : 320 words
  13. Maize-Cow-pea Ensilage.

    The well-known value of maize and cow-peas for producing ensilage should cause more general growth of these two crops. The present is planting time for an early sowing of maize. For ...

    Article : 181 words
  14. Heat Troubles.

    Reports of scores of deaths from the effects of the heat appear in both European and American newspapers received by the last mail. Hundreds of cases of heat prostration were ...

    Article : 471 words
  15. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 535 words