The marvellous beauty and variety, of the Lakes of Wairoa and Rotomahana, in New Zealand, are an incessant theme of enthusiasm with those who have visited them. The ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 241 wordsThe progress of the town of Deniliquin boa been most marked, especially since the construction of the railway line, some half dozen years back, whereby the town was connected ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 992 wordsThe particulars of the murder of Captain Belbin, of the Borough Belle, were related to Captain Adrian, of the labor steamer Jabberwock, which arrived from ...
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Advertising : 1,621 wordsThe sudden death in England, on the 18th August, of the popular and eminent Roman Catholic Arohibishop of Sydney, Dr. Vaughon, caused general regret, not only in the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Illustrated Australian News (Melbourne, Vic. : 1876 - 1889), Wed 5 Sep 1883, Page 147
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