The bus went rolling along the country road through marine suburbia. It was good to see the little farm, the pleasant villas, the riot of colour in the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 808 wordsON WARM SUMMER NIGHTS country people are often annoyed and sometimes alarmed at the appear ance around their lamps of crowds of flying insects. Occasionally among the throng are dark ant-like insects, with four slender, tapering wings. They are flying termites. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 676 wordsSOME of the highest-powered aircraft in the world, in proportion to size, are found among the insects. ...
Article : 370 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 210 wordsThe contrivance described in this article might be of interest to mothers who are frustrated by the untidiness ...
Article : 220 wordsCYCLE RACING, a sport which has for years excited Continental and Australian crowds, is emerging from comparative obscurity in Great Britain as a result of the enthusiastic efforts of the publicity conscious British ...
Article : 414 wordsMany thousands of houseowners to whom garden making in the last few years has become a matter of increasing interest and importance know the problem presented by the small strip of ground at the back of the house. It is no easy task to deal with it satisfactorily and to the best advantage. ...
Article : 1,016 wordsAccording to a recent note from America, oysters, if frozen, may be kept alive for as long a period as 10 months, provided they are handled carefully during their hibernation. APPARENTLY the structure of ...
Article : 402 wordsWhen a comedian expresses an urge to play "Hamlet" it's not longer news. But when a beautiful young star, who has often been called "the sweetest thing on the screen," expresses a suppressed desire to cut loose as a ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 741 wordsONE CANNOT HELP being impressed by the films which are either being made, or will very shortly be made, in British studios. They all appear to have the makings of first class pictures. Several have the British ...
Article : 669 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 96 wordsA HUGE, luscious appearing and delightiully oozie roast of beef was prepared, according to the script, for a scene in Warner Bros.' ...
Article : 309 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), Sat 25 Jan 1947, Page 6
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