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Advertising : 1,006 words1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary are considered as wishing to CONTINUE their subscription. ...
Article : 186 wordsOn and after the 7th February, 1915, it will be illegal for any person to take, or attempt to take, sell or consign, or expose for sale, or have in his possession, house or ...
Article : 125 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 65 wordsLetters 1d per ½d oz. Letter cards, single, Id each; reply, id each half. "Post Cards, single, 1d each; reply, 1d each ...
Article : 195 wordsThe following descriptive information is given for the benefit of tourists and settlers, to whom it should prove interesting:— ...
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Yea Chronicle (Yea, Vic. : 1891 - 1920), Thu 25 May 1916, Page 1
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