May 5.—Sarah Noumann, ship, 1003 tons, Captain Gibson, from London January 23rd Paddenger—Mrs. Gibson, Agents, Brierley, Dean, and Co. ...
Article : 20 wordsMay 4.—Jacqucs Langlois, for [?] May 5.—William, for Port Macquarie. May 5.—Oneida, for Southampton. May 5.—Favourite, for Newcastle. ...
Article : 19 wordsMay 4.—Onoida, steamer, [?] tons, Captain Hyde, for Southampton. Passengers—Mr. Myers Solomon. Right Honorable Lord Audley, Lady Audley, Mrs. Solomon. Mr. Adam, Mrs. Armitage, Dr. J. C. Downey, Messrs. Townshend Newall Swankett, ...
Article : 179 wordsMay 5.—Vislon, from Newcastle, with 50 tons coals; Ceoilia, from George's River, with 500 bushels shells; Echo, from Shoalhaven, with 20 tons potatoes, 60 bushels wheat, 10 hides, and 3 kegs butter; Deflance, from Pitt water, with 435 bushels shells; ...
Article : 131 wordsMay 5.— Norna, and Vision, for Newcastle; Deflance, for Brisbane Water; and William and Ann, for Shollharbour. ...
Article : 25 wordsPer Sarah Neumaun, from London: 110 hogsheads brandy, 198 packages Rosslter and Lazarus; 11 packages, S. Berge; 6 packages, Lyall, Scott, and Co.: 8 packages, Gilchrist, Watt, and Co.; 104 packages. Dickson and Co.; 20 packages, Dawson and ...
Article : 384 wordsMay 2.—Per Moa, for Auckland: 100 boxes tea, 10 casks wine, 50 cases geneva, 5 casks old tom, 40 bags coffee, 10 bales drapery, 13 packages drapery, 50 sheep, 15 tierces beef, 1 package cotton, 5 packages implements, 65 packages ironmongery, 1[?] ton ...
Article : 617 wordsFor Nelson.—By the Louis and Miriam, this day, at noon, if not under weigh. For Auckland.—By the Mos, this day, at noon. For Callao.—By the Mary Ann, this day, at noon. ...
Article : 452 wordsMay 5.—Bright Planot, barque, 168 tons, Hoggart, master, from Geelong. May 5.—Launceston, barque, 327 tons, Sinolair, master, from Melbourne. ...
Article : 331 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 46 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 49 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 61 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 41 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 47 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 48 wordsMORE than a year has now elapsed since the famous Treaty of Peace was hurried into existence in order that France might be relieved from accumulating debt—with its threatening ...
Article : 1,446 wordsThis was a motion for a new trial. Mr. Martin appeared in support of the motion; Mr. Isaacs against it. The case was respecting the sale of a cow. The ...
Article : 861 wordsFourteen drunkards were disposed of in the usual manner. Cecilia Day, was sent to gaol for fourteen days, for stealing a pound note from John Thomas Randle, in a ...
Article : 618 wordsThomas Williams, a seaman belonging to the William Oswald, convicted of desertion, was sent to gaol for twelve weeks, and ordered to be kept whilst there to hard labour. ...
Article : 271 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 319 wordsIn the estate of James Stewart a first meeting was held. Insolvent was not in attendance. Two debts were proved amounting to £438 15s. 1d.; and one amounting to £593 8s. 4d. was also proved. The meeting then terminated. Official assignee, Mr. ...
Article : 223 wordsA meeting was held last night in St. Phillip's School-room, Harrington-street, in aid of the funds of the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East. The school-room was filled with a very respectable ...
Article : 2,672 wordsThe following is our verbatim report of Mr. Fowler's Oration at the School of Arts on Monday evening. As the imitations were of considerable length, we are obliged to content ourselves at present with just a line ...
Article : 6,055 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Wed 6 May 1857, Page 4
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