The adjourned public meeting of the [?] South Riding of Cumberland and other gentlemen favourable to the return of an independent Liberal candidate, in the room of the honorable W.M. Manning. ...
Article : 4,293 wordsSIR—Finding that the Simla could not get away, as first advertised, on Saturday next, and further that it is not an improbable circumstance that she may not be in readiness even to leave on. Monday, the 25th instant, it ...
Article : 236 wordsSIR.—Grey Town is not in the isthmus of Panama, but in Central America, and a branch steamer takes the mail there and then proceeds to Aspinwall, or as it is sometimes called "Colon," in the Isthmus of Panama, ...
Article : 61 words"Who is Prometheus?" asks, in last Saturday's Empire, Mr. Frank Fowler, I fear somewhat in dudgeon. But surely Prometheus, not being in the least angry, has an equal right to enquire—"Who is Mr. Frank Fowler?" ...
Article : 995 wordsGENERAL dissatisfaction is expressed at the determination of the agent of the European and Australian Mail Company to despatch the Simla on Monday. It is stated to be ...
Article : 5,374 wordsSince last report the result of the February wool sales in London has been made known and the prices there roalizod are satisfactory both to the producor and exporter. An advance of fully 3d. per lb, above November rates was ...
Article : 459 wordsTare actual. Draft 1 lb. per owt, and no other allowonce. WOOL.—PER 1b.: MP. 1 bale locks at 10¼d,.; R.W.S. 1 bale mixed, at 17d.; GB. 2 bales, slightly damaged, at 20¼d. 8 bales flece at 22d.; RWS, 2 bales flece at 22½d. WMR. 3 bales. ...
Article : 244 words{No abstract available}
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Fri 22 May 1857, Page 5
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