Sir,—In conformancs with the verbal communication that I had the honor to have with you on the 9th instant, on the subject of the future management of the Al[?]s, [?] I now submit for your information a specification of ...
Article : 442 wordsSIR.—I am directed by the Secrtary for Lands and Pubic Works to inform you that His Excellency the Governor-General, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to appoint you to be ...
Article : 202 wordsSIR,—Adverting to my letter of the 28th ultimo, respecting your appointment as Superintendent of Alpaces. I am now instructed to inform you that your first duty will be take a trip into interior with the ...
Article : 194 wordsSIR.—I have the honour of replying to your communication of the 10th. The instructions conveyed to [?] shall be duly carried cut, by my starting on the exploring expedition ...
Article : 129 wordsSIR.—In acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 13th instant, on the subject of your intended expedition into the country, and applying for an advance to meet certain unavoidable expenses attendant on the ...
Article : 118 wordsSIR,-[?] I have the honour to advice receipt of your communication placing one hundred pounds at my disposal, said sum being an advance where with to meet the expence of outfit, &c., during my journey into the ...
Article : 246 wordsSir,—I am without a reply to my letter of the 23rd May [?] I had the honor of addressing you, reque[?]ing permission to take with me a person assist in selecting a suitable run for the Alpacas, &c. ...
Article : 461 wordsSIR.—In reply to your letter of the 7th instant, I am directed to inform you that the Secretary for Lands and Public Works approves of the arrangement entered into by you with Mr. Lackey, for depasturing a portion of ...
Article : 162 wordsSir,—I have the honour to advise receipt of your communication, 18th instant. I'am glad to see that the steps taken by me for the preservation of the Aplacas, &c., during, the winter months, as also the suggestion ...
Article : 353 wordsSIR,—In conformity with orders from the Government, I start in search of suitable, run whereon to permanently depasture the Alpacas, Llamas, &c. During my absence you remain in charge of the ...
Article : 293 wordsSIR.—Referring to your letter of the 15th instant, I am direced to inform you that your application to be allowed to take a person with you to assist in the selection of a run, suitable for the alpacas, &c., under your ...
Article : 236 wordsSIR,—I have to state, in reply to your communication of 24th ultimo, that the party accompanying me in my tour of inspection incurs the same expenses as myself, as also that only the greatest economy permits of my ...
Article : 96 wordsSir,—I do myself the honour to lay before you a report of my tour of inspection of a portion of this colony, undertaken by your direction, in search of suitable country for permanently locating the flock of Alpacas, ...
Article : 780 wordsSIR,—The Alpacas, &c., are fast improving I am very desirous to get them into the interior as soon as possible. I beg to request you will please forward the order to march in fifteen days, from date; by that ...
Article : 144 wordsSIR.—In acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 29th ultimo, I am directed to inform you that the Secretary for Islands and Public Works approves of your starting for the interior with the flock of Alpacas within ...
Article : 118 wordsSir.—In conformity with verbal instructions I have purchased such artificial food as I considered necessary for the Alpacas, Llamas, &c., viz.:—One paddock, sown with oats and barley, of Patrick Kelligher, for forty-five ...
Article : 108 wordsSIR,—In reference to your letter of the 30th ultimo, I am directed to inform you that the Secretary to the Treasury has been requested to cause the amount of one hundred and six pounds to be paid to your credit into ...
Article : 100 wordsSIR,—With reference to the verbal application made by you for authority to s[?]ear the Alpacas before they leave Liverpool, I am directed by the Secretary for Lands and Public Works to inform you that he approves ...
Article : 94 wordsOCTOBER 15.—Judge Owen arrived this day, at Grafton, after a pleasant passage, but a difficult embarkation at Port Macquarie, through the breakers, at midnight. Immediately on arrival, his Worship, the Mayor of Grafton, ...
Article : 935 wordsPlaint filed, to recover the stakes £10 lodged with defendant on the occasion of a trotting match, between plaintiff and one Walker. Walker had protested through his umpire against the defendant paying over ...
Article : 1,944 wordsSIR,—I beg to express to you my satisfaction at the insertion of the letter headed as above, dated September 26th, as I have a particular interest therein; and also for your leader of October 18th, which introduces the ...
Article : 1,082 wordsWE give below another of Mr. Horace Greely's communications to the Tribune, detailing impressions and incidents of his journey to the Rocky Mountains:— ...
Article : 2,551 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Thu 27 Oct 1859, Page 2
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