If there is any one circumstance mere especially calenlated to detract from the pleasures of aquatic sports in this splendid harbour, it is the cutire neglect evinced by the principal managers of regattas, and also by a ...
Article : 2,228 wordsThe English gentleman is the best rider in the world, although cavalry critics say he is far better when following a pack of hounds as a squire, than when pursuing an enemy as a captain of huzzars. The English lady, also, ...
Article : 1,582 wordsOn Monday, the long looked for event—the Highland gathering and competition of Scottish games—came off with the greatest eclat in the Northumberland Cricket Ground, under the distinguished patronage of the Hight ...
Article : 1,212 wordsSPORTING OBITUARY —The Journal des Chasseurs gives the following as the official list of animals and birds killed during the shooting season of 1857-1858 in the kingdom of Bohemia:—Stags, 963; deer, 1,498; roebucks, 4,917; ...
Article : 149 wordsThe court being prepared for proceeding on the cause of the petticoat, I gave orders to bring in a criminal, Word was brought me that she had endeavoured twice or thrice to come in, but could not do it by reason of her ...
Article : 1,192 wordsThe extreme penalty of the law was carried into effect yesterday morning on the person of Edward Hitchcock, who was convicted at the last Castlemaine circuit of the wilful murder of his wife, Ann. The execution took place ...
Article : 574 wordsSTANFIELD HALL MURDERS.—We referred in our last to the publication of extracts from letters from Gibraltar stating that a soldier in the garrison there had confessed to being the person who had murdered the Jermys at ...
Article : 128 wordsThe fountain mingle with the river, The rivers with the ocean: The winds of heaven mix forever With a sweet commotion: ...
Article : 108 wordsKate hates mustaches—so much hair Makes orery man look like a bear; But Fanny, who no thought can fetter, Blurts out, " The more like bears the better, ...
Article : 51 wordsA CARDINAL'S "LARK".—A singular adventure bofel an illustrious member of the Papal Court during the recent high ecclesiastical demonstration at Ballinnsloe. The distinguished individual being introduced to a convent in ...
Article : 1,610 words{No abstract available}
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Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860), Sat 4 Dec 1858, Page 4
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