JUVENNILE THEEIVES—The extent to which the precocious prigs of Sydney now carry on their operations is almost incredible. Scarcely a day now passes that Magisterial attention i sno occupied in investigating charges ...
Article : 2,457 wordsThis mill which has for a long time absorbed the attention of amateurs of the Ring was brought off to a certain extent on Tuesday last, after no little trouble; and the result has been another addttion to the already ...
Article : 5,168 wordsBILLIARDS— A match of 400 up, at the English game, was played last Monday at the Albion hotel, Bourkostreet, between Mr. J. Stevenson and Mr. J. Lamb. On previous occasion Mr.Lamb had given his present ...
Article : 307 wordsIn spite of most unpropitious weather, and maugre "Niohe all tears," the opening-week passed off with eclat, the attendance being very fair and select. Indeed, the averege houses were such as to establish the Lyster ...
Article : 813 wordsGRIFFITHS (Daniel), Petitioner, agninst GRIFFITHS (Elizabeth), Respondent, and MOORCROFT (Edward), Co-respondent. Mr D'Arey Haggitt, for Pitcairn, renewed his ...
Article : 211 wordsWill yon kindly inform me if the Captain Hale who is creating so much sensation in the scieritifile world at present, has ever been connected with any of the following questions—. ...
Article : 248 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 235 wordsACCIDENT TO PROFESSOR AND DERSON'S DAUGHTER— The birthday of her gracious Majesty the Queen, was celebrated in Velleville with all loyal enthusiasm. In the afternoon, the games which were advertised came off ...
Article : 230 wordsMessrs Burt and Co notice a steady demand for useful wel broken horses. Several country lots have to hand during the week, and have been sold without difficulty prices ranging from £10 to £31 10s, for hackneys;and £10 to £35 for harners horses ...
Article : 253 wordsTHE PUGLISTIO CHORONICLE—We congratulate our white chokered friends,who usually way-lay our boys at street corners for the earlist numbersof Bell's Life,on the accession of their venerable acquaintance,the Herald ...
Article : 120 words{No abstract available}
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Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (NSW : 1860 - 1870), Sat 17 Aug 1861, Page 3
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