Tension-prevailed in the Shepparton Albanian and Italian communities at the week-end regarding the purport of a meeting. It was apparent that the ...
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Advertising : 537 wordsIn a letter to "The Age," Sir Richard Linton writes:— Sir Colin Fraser has just returned from New Zealand where he has met ...
Article : 223 wordsThe Department of the Interior has invited tenders for the construction of an aerodrome at Mallacoota, and another is to be constructed at ...
Article : 76 wordsJust 20 years ago, the German Empire split under the Kaiser's feet. One week later the proudest monarch in Europe was an exile in Holland. There ...
Article : 1,652 wordsSubscriptions to the above new loan are invited by advertisement in this issue. The interest rate is £3/17/6 per annum, the price of issue is £99 per ...
Article : 204 wordsTO the ordinary layman's mind all that he can grasp from the voluminous evidence tendered before Judge. Stretton was that "all knew ...
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Gippsland Times (Vic. : 1861 - 1954), Mon 5 Jun 1939, Page 4
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