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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 78 words
  3. Bathurst Prices Current.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 195 words
  4. Bathurst free Press "Magna eat veritas Prœvalebit." TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1889.

    THE unfurling of the Eight-Hour Society's banner having directed local attention to the interests conventially termed "Labour" and "Capital," it will be pertinent to observe ...

    Article : 1,283 words
  5. Local and General.

    SPECIAL AUDIT.—We have received a communication from "Ratepayer," bearing upon the subject of a special audit of the Corporation Water Rates account; but inasmuch as it ...

    Article : 962 words
  6. Civilian Rifle Club.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 133 words
  7. Sporting News.

    Since I last wrote, up to last Saturday, only two matches have taken place—Orange juniors v. Waratahs, and Half-Holiday Association v. Bathurst. The first was played on the 20th June on the ...

    Article : 1,049 words

    Both Searle and O'Connor have arrived in England, and have started training for the forthcoming race on the Thames. Of course they are both confident of winning. But Searle is either ...

    Article : 255 words
  9. The Shearers' Union.

    The Shearers' Union has to be accepted as a fact. This much may be admitted by The Pastoralist. But, the further assertion that the Union is also a beneficent fact, has yet to be proven. There are not ...

    Article : 1,651 words
  10. That Dangerous Bridge.

    On Wednesday last the condition of the bridge on the Raglan Road, where the late Mr. John Godfrey met his death, was brought under the notice of the Legislative Assembly. ...

    Article : 1,031 words
  11. Round-about Gossip.

    The contractor is making good progress with the new road from the military road to Hunter Beach. North Shore people will soon be able to get conveniently to this beautiful beach, and if they are so ...

    Article : 565 words
  12. Latest Telegrams.

    Mr. Schey has been elected for Reafern by a majority of 25. Monday evening. The Committee of the A.J. Club have disqualified ...

    Article : 302 words
  13. Sydney Markets.

    Fat Cattle.—For the two sale days this week a much shorter supply than we have had for some considerable time has been penned, viz., 1,295,and of these 541 were sold on Monday. These were all ...

    Article : 1,337 words