Here has been published recently a factory of cruelty and outrage which runs [?] with the worst of those which found record in the dark ages, but, to the ...
Article : 1,354 wordsTHE WEATHER.—Rain has threatened during the lost few days, but as yet none Las fallen. Yesterday the atmosphere was very heavy, and the clouds hung ...
Article : 1,868 wordsON Wednesday evening Mr. B. Leo, P.M., of Bathurst, was entertained at a banquet by his friends at Rockley on tho occasion of his cowing to officiate on the Bench at that place. ...
Article : 3,452 wordsMrs. Edith O'Gorman Auffrey, delivered her last lecture in Bathurst on Wednesday evening before a vary largo audience, the chair being occupied by Mr. W. H. Paul. ...
Article : 1,841 wordsWheat realized from 4s. 3d. to 4s. 4d., and flour from £11 10s. to £12 5s. A fearful accident occurred at the Heads this morning. The ship ...
Article : 311 words{No abstract available}
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