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  2. [?]"Magna est u[?]ritas at prt[?]ualebit." SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1886.

    Here has been published recently a factory of cruelty and outrage which runs [?] with the worst of those which found record in the dark ages, but, to the ...

    Article : 1,354 words
  3. Local Intelligence.

    THE WEATHER.—Rain has threatened during the lost few days, but as yet none Las fallen. Yesterday the atmosphere was very heavy, and the clouds hung ...

    Article : 1,868 words
  4. Banquet to Mr. B. Lee, P.M., at Rockley.

    ON Wednesday evening Mr. B. Leo, P.M., of Bathurst, was entertained at a banquet by his friends at Rockley on tho occasion of his cowing to officiate on the Bench at that place. ...

    Article : 3,452 words
  5. Edith O'Gorman in Bathurst.

    Mrs. Edith O'Gorman Auffrey, delivered her last lecture in Bathurst on Wednesday evening before a vary largo audience, the chair being occupied by Mr. W. H. Paul. ...

    Article : 1,841 words
  6. Latest Telegrams.

    Wheat realized from 4s. 3d. to 4s. 4d., and flour from £11 10s. to £12 5s. A fearful accident occurred at the Heads this morning. The ship ...

    Article : 311 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 205 words