The February moils per R.M.S.S. Avoca arrived ere and were delivered on Thursday, the 14th instant, a day before they were due; and we received our usual message from Adelaide per ...
Article : 1,691 wordsMarch 25—Cutter Duke of Edinburgh, from Hobart Town. March 26—Steamer Tamar, from Melbourne. March 28—Barque Tien [?], from Sydney. ...
Article : 305 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 898 wordsAnother shocking event, as sensational as the Sitwood murder, occurred on the railway line near Hagley, on the 5th inst. The large engine, with a trin of eighteen ballast trucks, ...
Article : 2,489 wordsBusiness has been very brisk in town to-day, although the banks and most of the public offices were closed, but other places of business were open as usual. The ...
Article : 1,134 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880), Sat 23 Apr 1870, Page 12
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