James Caust was charged with allowing his pigs to run loose in Currie-street. He pleaded guilty, and was fined 40s without costs. ...
Article : 185 wordsANOTHER, great mine has been discovered near Mount Barker—it is rather to the east and north of that mountain. We have not heard any distinct account of it, but some parties have gone ...
Article : 998 wordsSIR.—My attention was attracted by a letter which appeared in your paper of last Tuesday, written by the Author of "South Australia in 1841-45," in answer to some uncalledfor remarks of the Observer on that useful and excellent ...
Article : 295 wordsSUR—I onst or twise rit 'tafs for our saxton at whoam, and som on 'em was kross stix. I bees a leetle out o' band, or els I'd send ne sammat better; but seein as how you is werry hard-up in ure werse-korner, and ...
Article : 74 wordsO bservator, who rites about imagination, Be about the wurst worsyfire in creation. Sappy, and stoopid—vot matter in a kross stix, Every line beginin with a letter—that don't fix ...
Article : 90 wordsTHE meeting of delegates closed on Saturday, when Mr T. S. Duncombe, M.P., was present in the chair. The reports as amended were put in and agreed to unanimously. The resolutions were to the ...
Article : 693 wordsTHE Lord Advocate, in moving for leave to bring in a bill for the amendment and better administration of the laws relating to the relief of the poor in Scotland, entered into a lengthened statement of the reasons and circumstances which ...
Article : 405 wordsAT the Italian Opera Rouse, London, Mr Lumley brought out recently a new descriptive symphony, entitled "Le Desert," by Mons. Felicien David. This work is said to be ...
Article : 791 wordsIF we wanted an example to show how much better reason is than rhetoric, if we wished for an illustration of the weight and value of a plain, a simple, an unvarnished tale as compared with ...
Article : 1,202 wordsA paradox—bat trae, alas! And one that much chagrined us; Feel takes the duty clean off glass, But leaves it upon windows. ...
Article : 28 wordsTHESE are times peculiarly mai ked by a progress of ingenuity and invention. Sir Robert Peel, in introducing the budget, dilated on the peculiar applicability of glass for the balance ...
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South Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1844 - 1851), Fri 22 Aug 1845, Page 3
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