{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,193 wordsColonial Secretary's Office, 25th March.—His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned persons to be additional constables in the Metropolitan ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 52 wordsBy his Excellency Frederick Holt Robe, Esquire, Major in the army. Lieu(L. s.) tenant Governor of lier Majesty's FRRD. H. ROSE, province of South Australia, &c., ...
Article : 1,424 wordsMarch 26.—The schooner Teamer, 58 tons, Ball, from Melbourne and Portland Bay. Passengers—Mrs Ball, Mr Crow, Mr Crouch, Mrs Sims and two children, Jos. Gleadon, A. Anderson wife and two chUdren, Thomas ...
Article : 187 wordsCargo of the Teazer, from Melbourne and Portland Bay. 140 botes soap, 6. Hall; 10,000 feet timber, J. Hart; 10 casks tobacco, E. L. Montefiore & Co.; 24 casks bottled beer, Crouch; 2 packages leather, Order; 3 ...
Article : 246 wordsMaus will be despatched as nuder- For Great Britain, by the Kingston to London, this day at twelve o'clock, and by the Cleveland to London, on Sararday, the 28th instant, at three o'clock. ...
Article : 80 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 43 wordsMr Nicholls is informed thal we grant him this time the favor he wishes, but it is not to be taken aa a precedent. We are rather at a loss about the poetry, but shall attend to the bgsiness part of it. The Register, its voluntary ...
Article : 62 wordsBY these vessels, we have intelligence from Van Diemen's Land to 12th March, and from Port Phillip to 7th March. The local intelligence of interest will be found ...
Article : 693 wordsAs promised in our last, we subjoin a statement of the corn markets in various parts of the worl. ENGLAND. ...
Article : 461 wordsWE understand that the above company have selected a special survey of 20,000 acres, in virtue of their certificate of the payment of £20,000, in London. As, however, the ...
Article : 271 wordsHAVING examined the charts of the above hays now lying for public inspection at the Survey Office (and which we are happy to hear are to hs engraved), we submit, with reference to a recent ...
Article : 464 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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South Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1844 - 1851), Fri 27 Mar 1846, Page 2
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