Trove will be unavailable between 8pm Friday 28 March to 11am Saturday 29 March for planned maintenance.Find out more
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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,267 words
  3. Shipping Intelligence.

    SEPTEMBER 25.—The cutter Governor Gowler, 16 tons. Underwood, for Kingscote. Cargo 5 bags wheat, I horse, I cart. Passengers—Mr Wood raffe, and child. The Dorset was expected to sail yesterday evening ...

    Article : 37 words
  4. MAILS.

    Mails for Sydney (direct) and Great Britain will be dispatched on Saturday the 28th instant, at 12 o'clock, by the Emma. Mail for Port Lincoln will be despatched this day, at ...

    Article : 73 words
  5. Phases of the Moon.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 55 words
  6. Government Gazette.

    Colonial Secretary's Office, September 21.—His Excellency the Governor has directed it to be notified, for the information of the public, that despatches have been received from Captain Sturt, reporting his arrival, on the 10th instant, at ...

    Article : 92 words
  7. NOTICE.

    Colonial Secretary's Office, September 25.—Fortions of the bridges over the Torrens and the Onkaparinga having been carried by the recent flood and lodged on their banks, in different localities, the public are hereby cautioned not to ...

    Article : 861 words
  8. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 23 words
  9. The Southern Australian.

    THE public are, no doubt, generally aware that the South Australian Company received from Gqvernment about 11,003 acres of land in exchange for the Port road, which they have till lately been selling at £1 ...

    Article : 273 words
  10. NEW MINES.

    IT has been found that lot 1700, consisting of 150 acres, purchased at £1 per acre by G. A. J Anstey, Esq., of Highercombe,contains a copper mine quite equal to the Montacute mine. The ...

    Article : 304 words

    WE have pleasure in submitting, to public notice, a narrative of the operations of the party of police in the late expedition to Kangaroo Island, under command of Mr Tolmer. ...

    Article : 1,695 words
  12. Local News.

    THE RIVOLI BAY COUNTRY.—Evelyn Sturt, Esq., has recently brought over about 500 head of cattle, and between: 3000 and 4000 sheep, with which he hag settled near Mount Gambler. He states as the reason of this ...

    Article : 1,589 words