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  2. LOCAL.

    PROMENADE CONCERT.—The last of these concerts in connection with the Mechanic's Institute for the season took place on Monday evening, when the attendance was good, though not so numerous aa at the previous concert; ...

    Article : 1,407 words

    A Copper Mine it in course of being opened at Port Lincoln. Captain Underwood, nothing daunted by all his hair-breadth escapes by [?] and field, is fitting out a new "Governor Gawler" out of the dingy of the old one, for the purpose of going ...

    Article : 2,268 words

    THE schooner "Osprey," Captain Young, arrived at Hobart Town on Monday evening, the 27th instant, from Batavia, with a cargo of sugar, coffee, &c., having had a very short passage. On leaving Batavia, the Indian ...

    Article : 428 words
  5. No title

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    Detailed lists, results, guides : 127 words
  6. Advertising

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    Advertising : 2,361 words

    Mrs. Titmus again paid the sum of five shillings or "breaking the pledge." She foolishly cast all the blame on the "Lochuagar" herrings, and some one recommended her to apply to the Captain for ...

    Article : 824 words