Present—All the members except Messrs. Slatter and D. Fisher. Finance—Payments, £115 7s 4d; Receipts, £47 5s 2d; Balance in hand, 3s 4d; ...
Article : 1,235 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 815 wordsJohn Edwards, appeared on remand, charged on the information of Frederick Hodding, of the Melbourne Police Force, with robbing George Wilson, at Bendigo. ...
Article : 329 wordsImpounded at the public pound, Angas Park—One dark red heifer, like IV near rump; one strawberry cow, HR near ribs; one dark red and white heifer, small hoop horns, illegible ...
Article : 803 wordsOur latest papers from Melbourne is the Herald of the 8th instant, from which we take the following extracts— The late Gold Fraud Cases.—These frauds ...
Article : 1,637 wordsThe Melbourne Morning Herald says:— "We have New York papers to the 18th September, being five days later than our former dates. A most disgraceful attempt had been ...
Article : 285 wordsDEAR SIR—A succession of fine seasons has enabled us for the last few years to [?] the increased demand for brandy, with out a proportionate rise in the cost of it, but we have always ...
Article : 326 words{No abstract available}
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Adelaide Morning Chronicle (SA : 1852 - 1853), Mon 17 Jan 1853, Page 3
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