Required for Convict Hospitals, 50 dozen of the best Port Wine; tenders for the supply of which will be received at this office until 12 o'clock on Wednesday next, the 1st proximo. The wine to be delivered in sound packages, of 1, 2, or 3 ...
Article : 90 wordsSeptember 24—Arrived the schooner David, 67 tons, Murray, from Port Phillip 9th instant, with cattle and sheep —cabin passengers, Mr. M'Shane, Mr. Lyall, Mrs. Sharp. 24—Arrived the brig Jane Geary, 230 tons, Birnie, from ...
Article : 1,376 wordsOn Saturday next, the 27th instant, Mr. T. Y. Lowes will tell by public auction, at the Commissariat Magazines, at 11 o'clock precisely, on behalf of the Accountant-Genetal of Her Majesty's Navy— ...
Article : 72 wordsThe rate of allowance in lieu of Forage for the current month has been fixed by a Board at two shillings per diem [?] each horse. ...
Article : 45 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 28 wordsAt the Court House, on Wednesday, the 1st October, at 10 o'clock. ...
Article : 15 wordsTHE unimportant nature, generally speaking, of the late Despatches, and the little notice, consequently, which could be taken of their contents, caused them to be spoken of by some of our ...
Article : 2,125 wordsFor Port Phillip, per "Platina," on Tuesday, the 30th instant, at 4 p.m. For Port Phillip via Launceston, on Tuesday, the 30th instant, at 5 p.m. For Sydney, per "Marion," on Friday, the 3rd October, at 4 p.m. ...
Article : 41 wordsSTAG HUNT.—Mr. Kdcey's Hounds will be at the Berriedale Inn, Glenorchy,at ten o'clock on Wednesday next. It is requested that no penon will shoot or any way attempt to kill the stag, as it is intended to take him alive. The hounds ...
Article : 746 wordsSome time since, it appears, a free man, charged with burglary, absconded from Bothwell, took to the bush, and fell in with Priest, to whom he related his situation; and he (Priest) having wounded his foot, as I before stated to you, ...
Article : 1,066 wordsSALE AT TICEHURST.—At the sale by Mr. T. Y. Lowes at Ticehurst, there was the largest attendance we have seen for some time. The stock was of the best description, and the prices realized show a decided improvement in the times. We ...
Article : 257 wordsREPORTED MURDER AT NEW NORFOLK.—A report has been in circulation relative to a supposed murder at New Norfolk, and the inhabitants of that quiet hamlet have been in a state of excitement accordingly. As far as we can ascertain, ...
Article : 350 wordsSaturday last, being the day fixed by the Sheriff for the public meeting relative to the threatened invasion of the colony by the conditionally pardoned convicts of Van Diemen's Land, a most numerous company assembled at Mr. Bryant's stores, ...
Article : 6,965 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Sat 27 Sep 1845, Page 2
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