Despite the threatening nature of the weather on Saturday morning, the sun was shining brightly when the two "B" Grade teams rung up ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 152 wordsFred. Wimbridge has severed his association with the game in Perth after 19 years service as a player, but will be seen out as an umpire. ...
Article : 142 wordsThe football season has now been ushered in, and the blue and golds will be seen in action next Saturday. Several familiar faces will be ...
Article : 201 wordsWith conditions so conducive to open football, says a Perth writer, the games which opened the competition allowed the new holding ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 173 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 335 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 88 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,976 wordsA joke at a tea party has a sequel at Hull (England) County Court recently, when Mrs. Seaton Smith, a clergyman's widow, of Oak road, ...
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The Albany Advertiser (WA : 1897 - 1954), Tue 29 Apr 1930, Page 3
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