That the man Lewis was killed last week in the Prince of Wales Company's [?] because the knocker-rope "had been chafed or cut by working over a piece of wood in the shaf[?]" is plain enough, ...
Article : 2,162 wordsThe Port Phillip Company crushed 808 tons or quartz raised by the C[?]nes Company, but did not clean up, except a trial crushing of 48 tons, which, though too late to be retorted, will, judging by the ...
Article : 752 wordsA Board Meeting of the Original Red Streak Company, Creswick, was held at Anthony's American Hotel, on Friday evening, Mr Storey in the chair. The directors and mining manager's reports and ...
Article : 1,156 wordsALLEGED EMBEZZLEMENT.—A young man named William Smith was charged on remand with having embezzled 15s belonging to his employer, a cab owner named James Horsington. From the ...
Article : 426 wordsPresent—The Mayor, Crs Johnson, Young, Keith, Alpen, Papenhagen, Mortensen, and Jones. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. ...
Article : 479 wordsOne of ine most Heart-rending occurrences which has ever happened in this district, has taken place within the last few days in the neighborhood of Harrow, by which it is f[?]ared, indeed deemed nearly ...
Article : 933 wordsIn July, 1852, Mr Westgarth introduced a bill to prevent the influx of convicts. This was referred to a select committee, but, on the recommendation of that committee, was withdrawn on the 3rd of ...
Article : 1,358 wordsWilliam Bid[?]stone, of the Po [?]pine road, near Maldon, miner. Causes of insolvency—Sickness in family, losses in mining, and pressure of creditors. Liabilities, £137 10s; assets, £6; deficiency, £131 ...
Article : 123 wordsA brave, generons, and honorable man—full of noble, knightly impulses and instincts, blended with Quixotic foibles and weaknesses, and a tendency to many crotchets, has gone to his rest in William ...
Article : 1,642 words{No abstract available}
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The Star (Ballarat, Vic. : 1855 - 1864), Mon 29 Aug 1864, Page 4
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