Every age of the world's progress sheds at least one relic and witness of the primitive past. It is in that fact, that hope of an ultimate human good ...
Article : 1,268 wordsThere is too kinds of goats one is called, nannie and thee other billey. If a goat stops oat all nite he is shore to be run in by Mister Murrie. ...
Article : 221 wordsMy youth I spent in dreaming Idle dreams of what might be; My dream ship now has foundered, I am cast upon the sea. ...
Article : 156 words"Slip your arm through mine, and let us saunter idly together through the garden I have made." In this way Seymour Hicks, the celebrated actor ...
Article : 1,149 wordsClaude was a quiet youth, but like most quiet individuals, he was a deep and subtle thinker. That explains why Claude was very popular, because he ...
Article : 556 wordsDuring one of the frequent breaks in our conversation and exchange of confidences, Claire and I sat gazing into the lagoon. Little ripples chased ...
Article : 1,213 wordsGee whiz! how time flies. Here we are in the midst of another football season. It seems only yesterday, so to speak, that, as a school kid, I first became ...
Article : 1,278 wordsJockey and Trainer Cautioned.—The stewards considered the running most unsatisfactory, and auctioned both as to their future conduct.—They must ...
Article : 48 wordsOur father slipped upon the ice, Because he couldn't stand. He saw the glorious stars and stripes, We saw our father land. ...
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Geraldton Guardian (WA : 1906 - 1928), Sat 19 Jul 1924, Page 5
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