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  2. The Inquirer. Occulta vitia inquirer. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1853.

    The land question is now in a fairer way towards satisfactory solution than it has hitherto been. The Home Government appear to be abandoning their prejudices, ...

    Article : 1,439 words
  3. Local and Domestic Intelligence.

    We regret to find by advices from the neighbouring colonies, that the "Gold Digger" had not arrived there, confirming our worn fears for the safety of that vessel. ...

    Article : 1,465 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 659 words
  5. Toodyay.

    Bush fires are commencing with fearful rapidity in this district. One occurred at Mr. S. W. Viceash's Toodyay, destroying the greater part of his hay and barley, and destroyed about 15,000 acres of sheep ...

    Article : 173 words
  6. Correspondence.

    SIR,—In your paper of the 19th Oct., you say that " Guard" has raised the note of alarm for the unprotected state of this colony in general, and of Fremantle in ...

    Article : 414 words

    By way of Melbourne we have news from San Fruncisco to the 9th of August. The Daily Herald of that day announces thus the capture and death of Joaquin:— ...

    Article : 229 words
  8. Gleanings.

    Quartering Australia—"It's a wonderful place is Australia," said a South Shields glessnian to an acquaintance: "its thirteen times as big as Europe."—"How can that be man," replied the other, "since ...

    Article : 534 words
  9. The "Hamlet," from Adelaide.

    By the Hamlet, from South Australia, we have news from that colony to the 27th Oct.; from Sydney to 5th Oct., and Van Diemen's Land, 12th. From Melbourne our ...

    Article : 1,197 words
  10. Mechanics' Institute.

    On Wednesday evening the Rev. Mr. Pownall delivered his promised lecture before a large and discriminating audience. The Reverend gentleman, while introducing his subject, stated that ...

    Article : 308 words



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