Apart from a goodly list of questions, the whole of the day's s sitting was occupied with the Elections 'Amending bill To-day was tine final day for discussion ...
Article : 782 wordsIf say [?] speak ill of [?] by [?] to thy own consciencs and examins thy heart. It thou are guilty it is fair correction. It not guilty it is a [?] ...
Article : 32 wordsThe Speaker, on the third reading of the Elections bill immedia[?]ly called on Labour leader Ryan to proceed with the amendment of which he had given ...
Article : 1,052 wordsOn clause 2, Gillies had an amendment which he hoped that the Treasurer would accept without his giving any reasons other than those he put forward ...
Article : 666 wordsThings began smoothly enough in regard to the Estimates. Presently, however, deputy Labour leader Theodore rose to protest against the increase ...
Article : 736 wordsThe first of the latest batch of railway proposals submitted to-day [?] that for extending the line now terminating at Inglewood on to Texas [?] ...
Article : 662 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Worker (Brisbane, Qld. : 1890 - 1955), Thu 26 Nov 1914, Page 16
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