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  2. The John Barry.

    We copy the following letter, addressed toithe Editor of the Evening Mail; it will show that, in future, the female emigrants for'New South Wales (for having no money ...

    Article : 1,173 words
  3. To John Dobson, Esq., Attorney for the Absentee Landholder, William Anley, Esq., of Calcutta.

    SIR,—I had hoped and expected that peace had been finally declared between the Absentee Anley and mybelf; but from what occurred before the Committee of the ...

    Article : 4,122 words
  4. The Courier.

    In our last, we offered a few remarks on the conceited impudence of the Editor of the Courier, in pretending to believe the Journal he conducts is the very ...

    Article : 966 words