From Fitzroy City Council, suggesting the present as an opportune time for local bodies to suggest to the Government improvements in the proposed Local ...
Article : 764 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 272 wordsAlthough the weather on Easter Monday was bleak, cold, and threatening, it did not deter large crowns of persons from attending the various sports that had been provided for ...
Article : 934 wordsA cricket match was played on Monday at Dandenong between the Alberts and the local club. The Dandenong wont first to the wickets, and made 69 before the last wicket fell. The Alberts were then ...
Article : 1,043 wordsIn point of variety and extent it may be fairly doubted. whether there is any prospect in this part of Australia to equal that which is visible on a clear day from the tower on ...
Article : 943 wordsW. cook, the champion billiard player, commenced a series of exhibitions of his skill, at the Athenaeum, Melbourne, on Wednesday last, when he played Kilkenny, ...
Article : 103 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 269 wordsit is understood, the Athenaum says, that the experiment of illuminating the reading room of the British Museum with the electric light has proved, so far as is yet ...
Article : 737 wordsThe long spoken of and much needed alterations to the Spencer street Railway Station are now being rapidly proceeded with, and no time is being lost in carrying ...
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