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  2. SYDNEY.

    This day a Bench of Magistrates assembled; before whom John Pierce, servant to Captain GLENHOLME, of the 73d Regiment, was charged with having absconded, and robbed his master:- ...

    Article : 1,228 words
  3. Mr. ELLSWORTH'S Remarks on the Navigation of the China Seas, continued from last Week's Gazette.

    "There is supposed to be danger on the N. W. part of St. Esprit Bank, for which reason it has generally been avoided; the Grosvenor had 6[?] fathoms, and as few ships have passed over it there ...

    Article : 1,034 words

    On Sunday last arrived the schooner Mercury, Mr. Tait master, with a cargo of pork from Otaheite, via Norfolk Island. She left the Island of Bola Bola the 17th of March last, and arrived at ...

    Article : 460 words
  5. Classified Advertising

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    Advertising : 85 words