This day a Bench of Magistrates assembled; before whom John Pierce, servant to Captain GLENHOLME, of the 73d Regiment, was charged with having absconded, and robbed his master:- ...
Article : 1,228 words"There is supposed to be danger on the N. W. part of St. Esprit Bank, for which reason it has generally been avoided; the Grosvenor had 6[?] fathoms, and as few ships have passed over it there ...
Article : 1,034 wordsOn Sunday last arrived the schooner Mercury, Mr. Tait master, with a cargo of pork from Otaheite, via Norfolk Island. She left the Island of Bola Bola the 17th of March last, and arrived at ...
Article : 460 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 25 May 1811, Page 2
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