From Bombay, on Saturday last whence she smiled the 19th July, the barque Bencoolen, 416 tons. Captain Stamp, with wheat, &c. Passengers, Captains M[?]an and Tucker, of the Indian Army, Mr.[?]arr, ant three in the steerage. ...
Article : 285 wordsWe have had no later news from England. The news received from Bombay by the Bencoolen is of an interesting nature. The account of the wreck of the ships Lord William ...
Article : 522 wordsThee Dora, from Liverpool, bound to Launceston, was spoken by the Be[?]cvlen, off Cape Northumberland on the 26th ultimo, all well. ...
Article : 880 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 75 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 80 wordsWE have refrained for a long time from making any remarks upon the conduct of those Street Preachers who have of late become a very nuisance in the town of Sydney. Religion in ...
Article : 545 wordsBy Mr. Samuel Lyons, at his Mart, corner of George-street and Charlotte-place, at 11 o'clock—Sixty nine Marin[?] Allotments of Land, in the centre of the Town of West ...
Article : 1,839 wordsA Treatise on Sheep, addressed to the Flockmasters of Australia[?] Tasmania, and Southern Africa; showing the means by which the Wools of these Colonies may [?] ...
Article : 2,747 wordsWe have been kindly favoured by Captain Stamp, of the ship Bencoolen, with Bombay papers up to the middle of July. They contain intelligence of the loss of three ships, viz., ...
Article : 2,411 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Tue 13 Oct 1840, Page 2
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