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    How oft when in the silent night [?]'ve wandered o'[?]r the pebbly shore, While pale-faced Luna lent her light, [?]using on scenes and days of [?]ore. ...

    Article : 740 words
  3. An Essay on the nature and properties of Caspian Lakes concluded, with an Inquiry whether the Interior Waters of New Hol land escape in the same way.

    A late number of the Sydney Gazette contains an extract of a new theory on the Dead Sea. It maintains, perhaps with justice, that the upper part of that sea existed in its ...

    Article : 4,502 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 2,282 words
  5. Prices of Flour and wheat at the Mills FLOUR.

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    Detailed lists, results, guides : 106 words