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  2. Calendar for the ensuing Week.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 59 words
  3. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 199 words
  4. Notice to Correspondents.

    " J. R." and "The Braidwood Sportsman" are inadmissable. The first of a series of articles on the Life and Character of Napolean Bnonaparte, shall shortly be published in ...

    Article : 73 words

    THIS being the day fixed for the embarka[?]ion of the 23th Regiment, that gallant corps will proceed on board the transports destined to convey them to the scene of war in the East ...

    Article : 1,436 words

    From Bourbon, yesterday, having left the 27th April. the French brig Charl tie, Captain Ward, with a cargo of sugar. Passengers, Mr. F. Hubert and servant, and Mr G. Fumev. ...

    Article : 185 words

    By Mr. S. Lyons, at his Mart, George-street, at 10 o'clock — Blankets, damaged by salt water, & at 11 o'clock, Building Allo.ments, at Richmond, Merchandise, &c. ...

    Article : 143 words
  8. Legislative Council.

    Present—The Governor, the Chief Justice, the Commander of the Forces, the Colonial Secretary, the Attorney Geneial, the Collector of Customs, the Auditor General, Mr. Campbell, ...

    Article : 3,342 words
  9. Theatricals.

    ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE.—On Monday night last, Mr. Nesbitt performed in five differ cut characters, namely, Richard the III., Rolla, Shylock, Othello, and Sir Giles ...

    Article : 840 words
  10. The 28th Regiment.

    This fine regiment embarks this morning on board the John Brewer, Kelso, and Arab, on their passage to India. During yesterday we observed many of them following the dreys ...

    Article : 1,404 words