From the B y of Island', on Tuesday last, having left the 8th instant,the brig Bee,Captain Bateman,with sperm oil and sundries. Passengers, Mrs. Bateman, G. Cooper, Esq, Collector of Customs at Auckland; Messrs, Ma[?]lcott, ...
Article : 1,687 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 37 wordsThe intention of the Liberary Association to publish a New Monthly Maza[?]ine. [?] be attended to in our mat "Jingle " of Campbell lown, is we [?] in mcamng, but exprssed too ridicu[?]sly for [?] insert. ...
Article : 55 wordsBY the arrival of the Bee, we have received Auckland newspapers up to the 23rd of August, which report business and monitory aff[?]rs in a very depressed state, without any prospect ...
Article : 870 wordsThe sittings of the Bathurst Circuit Court were commenced on Saturday last, the 24th instant, by His Honour Mr. Justice Stephen, who deliverd the following address to the ...
Article : 4,110 wordsThe demand throughout the week, has been entirely contined to the immediate wants of the retailers: indeed we have not heard of a single article of moment having changed hands, with ...
Article : 651 wordsHis Exellency Governor Hobson had been seriously unwell, but we are glad to state that he is in a fair way of recovery. The following bulletin was published on the 22nd of August: ...
Article : 273 wordsThe Port Phillip journals give a lengthy account of a Mr. Curr, who addressed a letter to His Excellency the Governor, and which his honor the Superintendent submitted ...
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 1 Oct 1842, Page 2
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