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    WE would call the attention of His Excellency to a letter in our present number, complaining of an acknowledged and long standing grievance, under which the ...

    Article : 4,986 words
  3. The Editor of this Journal invites the free expression of the opinions of his Correspondents, but cannot be held responsible for them. The name and address if the writer must accompany each communication.

    SIR,—It is but justice when any individual holding office under Her Majesty in this colony, steps forward to correct or prevent any abuse as far as may be in his ...

    Article : 836 words
  4. Annual Reports of the Protectors of Aborinines.

    SIR,—As Protector of Aborigines, I have the honor to submit, for the information of His Excellency the Governor, my report for the year 1848. In the southwest districts, comprising the Murray, Leschenault, Vasse, and Augusta, ...

    Article : 2,970 words



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