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  1. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 49 words

    THE FIRST OE JUNE.—The most memorable day in the annals of our colony, has again come round; a day which many settlers have cause to regret, but we believe ...

    Article : 1,410 words
  3. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 16 words
  4. The FitzGerald Coal Field.

    SIR,—I have the honor to inform you of my return from an examination of the country in the vicinity of Doubtful Island Bay, for the purpose of ascertaining the facilities for obtaining coal in ...

    Article : 999 words
  5. The Government Gazette.

    The Government Gazette of Tuesday last contains no other fresh notice than the following report from the Superintendent of Public Works:— ...

    Article : 490 words
  6. Stray leaves from my Note Book.

    Monday, April 25, 1844. Started from Bolgarting with native Boohan, for the purpose of visiting the Wongan hills. We travelled up the Bolgal brook course, which ...

    Article : 1,833 words
  7. United States[?]

    We have intetligence from New York to the 15th December. The annual reports made to the Government by the several Officers of State ...

    Article : 220 words