THE Deputy Commissary General will receive Tenders (in duplicite) until 12 o'clock on WEDNESDAY, the 5th April, for SPECIE, payable into ...
Article : 233 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 642 wordsWE cursorily noticed in our last issue a report that some specimens of auriferous quartz, found at Kardup, had been taken into Fremantle and being tested there ...
Article : 2,421 wordsOn the 24th instant, the ship Victory, 600 tons, Stephens, master, from London and Plymouth, with 241 Government Immigrants. On the 26th, the barque Swan, 231 tons, Barker, master, ...
Article : 543 wordsMr. A. Gregory, accompanied by Mr H. Samson, left Perth this morning for the Canning district, where the former is to make a geological examination for the Government, of the country reported as ...
Article : 633 wordsThe loading of the Struan having been completed and her clearance obtained on Saturday afternoon, she embarked her passengers last evening and sailed at 8 o'clock for Fremantle, ...
Article : 418 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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