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  2. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,316 words
  3. Shipping Intelligence.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 215 words

    MAILS for transmission by Contract Packet via King George's Sound, to Europe, India, Australian Colonies, &c., will close at the General Post Office, Perth, on Monday, the 26th inst., ...

    Article : 69 words
  5. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 42 words
  6. The Independent Journal.

    WE give this week two articles upon the Transportation Question—one from the Melbourne Argus of the 25th ult., the other from the London Times of July 15. The one talks big, ...

    Article : 853 words

    ON Wednesday evening the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute was filled by an unusually large attendance, to hear Mr. Barlee's Lecture on "Dreams," and we believe that all the hon. ...

    Article : 389 words

    IT is not very often that days of public celebration in Western Australia are marred by unpropitious weather; one reason being that they are not of frequent occurrence, and another ...

    Article : 760 words
  9. Original Correspondence.

    SIR,—In compliance with the wishes of a majority of the Metropolitan Rifle Volunteers, I have to request you will be good enough to allow me to express, through the medium of ...

    Article : 252 words
  10. To the Editor of the PERTH GAZETTE.

    SIR,—The good example set by the Metropolitan Rifle Volunteers and their friends the Citizens of Perth on Tuesday last, will I trust be imitated by the Fremantle Rifle Volunteers, ...

    Article : 203 words

    September, the month of sheep washing and shearing, has now opened upon us, and of course all our flock-owners are hard at work. The latter part of the season has been all that could ...

    Article : 3,569 words